Want to move DB side....

By kintu2983 kintu2983 Points: 0 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 6/17/2010 11:39:21 AM | Views: 2180
I m working in .net for 3.5 years of experience and now i m interested to move to Database(Oracle) side. Is it right time to move after 3.5 years of exp ??? Please give me some suggestions....

Rajesh's Advice on Sunday, June 20, 2010 :
Why are you interested in moving to Oracle?  The reason I am asking this is because "is it because of your interest" or "is it you see opportunity there?

Have a look at the job profiles of oracle professional.  Google it you may get many.  Think whether you would like to be in that profile.  Because database development/ administration is very different from programming.

Also, before taking a decision, decide whether to go into oracle development or oracle administration.  They both are totally different ball game.

Another question why are you moving out of .NET?  Is it because of lack of opportunity or because you are tired of development?

Make some introspection as to where would you like to see yourself in say 3-4 years and make your career decision accordingly.

And when you have analyzed your situation to a reasonable degree plan the career path accordingly...
First thing would be you would like to get certified some areas of interest  in db development... Rest will follow automatically with some effort on your side..

Best Wishes.

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