Sir, i hv total 5 year exp.,4 year in software developement & from last 1 year working as technical faculty in engg. College. Nowdays trying job again in software industry. Can u tell me what type of impression when we show teaching exp at this level, if it draw a negative impact then how we can handle it.Kindly help me.
Kapil's Advice on Thursday, July 22, 2010 :
I do not think teaching experience has negative impact if you explain your reasons for it and they are convincing. In interviews, interviewers do ask these questions as to why did you do such a thing. SO you need to have a very convincing anser to it. May be recession or family problem which is solved now can do the trick.
However, provided you earlier experience was very good and your fundametals and actual interviews should go very well. You should not have lost touch with existing software industry advances in 1 year of the industry. New tools and development in the technology.
Companies want people who can do thier jobs. they have only past exprience and performance for interview to show this. If all this adds up to show that you can get the job done then there is no reason a company will not select you.
Also, please do not fudge your resume in anyway, under advice of anybody . Companies are very strict in reference checks and it is essntial step in any recruitment process now.
Sanjaysharma83 said on Thursday, August 19, 2010
Thank you Sir for your valuable advise. Sir, i have one more query.
If i got a chance in CMMI level IT oragniozation on the payroll of Colsultant, i mean join as sub Contructor, Is it fine to join there or it will not be good for my career to work as sub Contructor employee?
Please guide me.