In.Net Interviews,How to get prepared for PM(Project Manager Round) ?

By nav234 nav234 Points: 730 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 7/27/2010 2:53:28 AM | Views: 23463
Hi all,

Recently i attended a .net walkin interview.
I cleared first two rounds
1st Round - technical written test
2nd Round - technical F2F interview

then in the
3rd Round - PM(Project Manager Round)
i dint get selected and got pissed off with more of logical
questions than technical questions on my project.

Because in the PM round,
they are asking questions (I GUESS) beyond capabilities of developers ,i.e.,questions to be answered by team leaders and project managers.

So how can i prepare for those rounds (PM Round)

thanks in advance

Kapil's Advice on Wednesday, July 28, 2010 :

Candidate's interview process is not only judging the caindidate from techincal areas but actually from overall perspective. When a interview happens, areas are provided to the interviewer and then interviewer rates the candidate in each area. Each area has weightage based on the job descriptions. And then selection is based on the total rating multipled by the weightage. The candidate scoring most gets the jobs.

So it is not only techincal skill but overall package which helps in getting the job. I have explained this in more detail in my post

Also, always check the job description before preparing for the interview. If the post you applied for was meant for starting point of management then you would be asked management questions. Again, if you had in your resume mentioned that you have been leading a team or have been doing manager stuff then expect those management questions.  So always check your resume before submitting it for companies. Because then you must ready to answer each and everything of what you have written there.

However, even if the the job is not related to managerial you could be asked such questions but weightage may differ.

You can also expect lot of logical questions for judging your soft skills, attitude and aptitude.

Interviewer will have its own set of questions to judge you in various areas of soft skills rather than standard book questions...

-kapil siddharth-

Sainath's Advice on Friday, July 30, 2010 :
I wholly agree with what Kapil has stated - when selecting candidates we analyze them from various angles. Both technical competence and attitude are important - one without the other is of no use.Sometimes,based on the job demands, interviewers may intentionally ask you stressful questions with the intention of checking your behaviour pattern under pressure - which gives us a first hand understanding if the candidate is suited for the job. Experience suggests that behaviour patterns exhibited during the interview is what will eventually be displayed on the job. Please check the below article, will give you a perspective on why we fail to clear interviews sometimes even when we have done a good job at the actual interview.


Sainath Sherigar,

Note for Nav234 : You can respond to this advice by logging into the website.

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