What is the future of it industry is this industry is going in saturation stage?

By singhravikesh singhravikesh Points: 0 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 8/11/2010 5:02:33 AM | Views: 3794
What is the future of it industry(.net).Is this industry is going in saturation stage?
IT Market is full of developers.Every on want's job but how it possible to balance this
industry resourses.

Sainath's Advice on Sunday, August 15, 2010 :
IT market is full of developers, but IT market is grossly short of "quality developers". This is applicable to all fields - if you just ensure that you are in the top 15% who consistently:

  • learn new things all the time
  • practice more
  • observe and learn from other successful people
  • follow some of the insights shared on this forum
You will be in a job, boom or recession !

Sainath Sherigar,

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