READ BEFORE DELETING POST :- Does Project Weightage important for experienced candidate in MNC interviews ?

By nav234 nav234 Points: 730 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 9/11/2010 8:35:46 AM | Views: 3315 | Points: 30
Hi all ,
Don't know whether somebody deleted my previous post,
So i am posting again.

I have 3 years exp in .net and sql 2005 and have done 3 small projects & 1 mid-level project in a small company,currently not working ,i am on a job hunt for either mid - level or an MNC company in .net.

So recently my profile got forwarded to a BIG MNC company through employee referral of my friend working in same company.After seeing my profile ,that HR were not satisfied by seeing my that HR kept telephone interview just for a formality sake and didn't proceed further it seems from my friend.what should i do further as i am in career break ,not able to get high-level projects also to update my profile.

I just want to know ,
Does the weightage or high-scopped project of experienced candidate is essential for getting into MNC company ?

what should i do now ? can any one help on this issue ?

thanks in advance

Kapil's Advice on Saturday, September 25, 2010 :

The answer to your question "whehter the weightage of high-scope project is essential" is YES!!!

Always understand there are lacs of people in same situation as you are in. Everyone is trying to get a big break. You are competing with these lacs of people. It is a race of survival. MNC has choices. They try to chose people with expeirences best relevant  and suited to their requirments.

Keep trying. Your chance will come. But you need to be well prepared by finding your weakness and working  on them. Finding what companies want and  preparing  for it.

Secondly, It will never help you to be out of job. Any job is worth more than waiting for big career break. If the break gets too long it can become very difficult to explain the reason.

Nav234 said on Saturday, September 25, 2010

Thank you sir,

What you said is true fact.But i have a small question,If the candidate is from a small scale company and didn't get an opportunity for such high,heavy weight-age projects which is required by big MNC's ,than what should that candidate.You mean to say stop trying with MNC and start for getting inside mid - level companies ?. than after some years again try for our BIG MNC companies.?


Kapil's Advice on Saturday, September 25, 2010 :

Never stop trying!!! MNC prefer the heavy weight-projects but you chance will come-in when they will not get any resume which matches this. MNCs then starts to look for next best match.

You need to be prepared for that chance.

Prepare for new and upcoming technologies and try to do your current job with more effort and in better way. Learn and apply best practices. Become senior in your company by maturing as programmer, senior programmer, Designer and as Lead.  Learn about things you are doing (Why? How? of process) Agile process, Estimation etc.  

Make your experience and resume so rich that you stand best among others. So MNCs will not have option to reject you!!!

This way you wait and watch for big break and also your current experiece is applicable in MNCs. Your chance will come but be ready to Go FOR IT!!! 

Nav234 said on Sunday, September 26, 2010

Thank you sir,
all your words are giving more confidence and giving a push too...

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