Wish to become a Technical Manager

By tutumon79 tutumon79 Points: 30 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 9/13/2010 8:20:10 AM | Views: 1913 | Points: 30

I am a techie with more than 8 years of Experience in Microsoft Technology. Currently i am working as a Technical Lead with an MNC. My goal is to proceed in the grow in the Technical side and become a technical manager in next 2 years. And also i am interested in working abroad also. How do i achieve my targets?. Looking for your valuable suggestions.


Sainath's Advice on Monday, November 29, 2010 :
Hi Dipu,

If I have understood your question correctly, you are heading towards becoming a Technical Architect. We have answered the "How" many times before on the forum, please check the below links:


About working abroad, it will primarily depend upon how well you scale up your skills from viewing projects at a micro level (Tech Lead) to a macro level (as Tech Architect).


Sainath Sherigar,

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