Need advice to take a career step..

By sowji sowji Points: 30 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 9/21/2010 3:51:25 AM | Views: 2482 | Points: 30

I worked as a faculty for 3yrs and resigned it cause of some health reasons and could never go for it again.
After that I worked as a programmer for a private team on some dotnet projects(small business applications) for 1.6 yrs at the time when there were no offers from companies becoz of the down market.
If there is no work..I will have to be idle.So..I wish to apply for companies but I cannot understand that how to mention WORK EXPERIENCE in my CV because,I didnt work for any company.If I will be asked proof,how would I tackle the situation because..I dont have any documents to provide.
If I metion it in my CV..can I get calls for interviews or not

Could you please guide me how to handle the situation..please guide me.

Deeraj's Advice on Saturday, March 01, 2014 :

Hello Sowji, 

1. Prepare your resume with your actual experience in the field of IT as a programmer. Publish it on a job portal. 

2. Mention your experience as a faculty. This should clearly disclose the training topics to help recruiter know your command over the technology. This will be value addition if you were a trainer on any programming languages. 

3. Mention your technical expertise related to your "small business applications". Highlight significant technical and functional achievements. Strictly, these should be your achievements and not your job responsibilities. 

4. Highlight all concepts that were employed in your business applications that lets recruiter know your technical strengths and exposure. 

5. Constantly update your resume in the job portal. Wish you all the very best in your job hunt! 

 - Dheeraj.

Note for Sowji : You can respond to this advice by logging into the website.

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