Performance Testing

By amitjoshi amitjoshi Points: 0 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 9/5/2009 10:37:19 AM | Views: 8256
HI ,Presently i am Working as Software test engg (Manual testing) in E_learning domian .i am having 2 yrs Exp in Manual Testing and My Qualification is BE(E&C) ,Now i want to make carrer in Performance testing so please suggest me the correct way to achive my Goal .

kapil's Advice on Sunday, September 13, 2009 :

Performance testing is very specialized field. Performance testing involves understading nuances of performance and load testing. There are softwares involved to do this testing like WinRunner, LoadRunner , Silkperformer, Windows ACT ....

They are all load testing and performance testing tools , each with its own script.  All have similar concepts . They also recording which creats script which you can change later for dynamic and repretitive testing.

Al scripting language like PERL is also becoming good in testing.

For performance testing you must understand about Performance scrnarios, Ramp time, response time, etc. I hope you know about those. You need to find about the performance scanrio or use cases and create tests as per those scenarios.

Load testing tools help you simulate the performance testing by helping you set up the estimated think time ETT,  number of concurrent users, broadband speed etc.

You can also go in for a traning in performance based on a toold mentioned above which shuld clear your most of fundamentals. 




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