M.Tech v/s a fresher job

By sauravgsh16 sauravgsh16 Points: 30 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 10/4/2010 7:25:29 PM | Views: 2112 | Points: 30
Hi ,

This is Saurav here. I have completed my B.Tech in year 2009 in IT. I was working was AT&T for the last one year. I was basically into business development. Being there i realized that i was not meant for that particular role for which i had quit the job. Now i have been looking for a job in the IT sector to start off my career as a fresher in the market.
I wanted an advice as to which career option should i look forward to. Now that i have taken a break i am thinking of completing my masters degree in M.Tech. Could u suggest me if that would be a proper step to be taken or should i go for some certification? If masters would be a good option then could you suggest me as to what particular entrance examinations should i be appearing for to get into a reputed college or if any particular institutions which provides an post graduate degree to take my career in a proper direction. e.g. CDAC .
Your advice will be deeply appreciated.

Sainath's Advice on Sunday, October 31, 2010 :

The choice of whether to continue your studies and pursue M.Tech is one that you need to deeply think about. However, I can say this - once you enter a job situation you may not get a chance to pursue M.Tech - this is the general observation, in any field. Very few people, manage to juggle job responsibilities and further studies at the same time. Which is why we now have companies giving 1 year sabbatical leaves and management institutions offering 1 year MBAs.

The other aspect - the job market has begun to boom now, particularly the .Net space. One of the goals of advancing studies is to get a good break - right now it is a good time to enter a good company as a fresher and commence building your skills.

All said and done - do what you wish to truly wish to do. Take complete responsibility for your decision so that tomorrow you do not feel any regret when you look back.


Sainath Sherigar,

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