Development v/s Testing

By bigk118 bigk118 Points: 30 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 1/4/2011 1:04:37 PM | Views: 4214 | Points: 30
I am Karthick from chennai completed B.E in the year 2007.I have worked 6 months as a Dot Net Programmer in a Final year project company, there i got only Two thousand Rupees for 6 months as a salary, due to this i releaved from that company. My friend started a Final year project company, I am doing Dot net projects for him from home. I developed one Bakery Management Software On Windows Application for him its running Successfully.

with one year work experience i have attn more than 25 interview, i use to clear the technical written test. In Technical interview the Technical HR used to ask did u worked in AJAX, VB Script, WEB SERVICE. i didn't work in that. They are not satisfied with my Project and i don't know AJAX, VB Script, WEB SERVICE.

My friends who where worked in Non-IT field they studied Software Testing from Internet.They got Fake Experience certificate for two years and searched the job, they got the job within a month with a Nice package.

My question is Can i put fake exp in software testing and search the job. My friends says compare to dot net, software testing is easy to learn and easy to get job is it true?
Please Solution

Thanks & Regards

Sainath's Advice on Monday, January 10, 2011 :
Hi Karthick,

I would like to encourage you to do a couple of things.

(i) Evaluate your own skills - think carefully, do you have the necessary aptitude to do well as a programmer or do you really like testing. If you have built a software on your own from scratch then I would think that you have certain degree of programming skills.

(ii) Make a choice based on the option that is best for you in the long term - in which option do you think you can succeed in the long-term. Instead of thinking "I need to get a job." think "I want to carefully build my career 1 small step at a time."

The best choices are usually difficult in the short term, but are rewarding beyond imagination in the long term.

Secondly, have a strategy in place. This is the era of browser based software - the browser is the platform now. Hence you need to be strong in browser based technologies. What was the feedback you were given in the 25 interviews - did you actually learn those technologies which interviewers kept insisting that you should know.

Fake documents are not an option -verification processes are strong now and if you are found out it will seriously impact your career.

Sainath Sherigar,

Bigk118 said on Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hi Sainath Sherigar,

Thanks for the reply. I worked in a company for 6 months there they didn't give Experience certificate.For experience candidate the company is asking pay slip and relieving letter. i have completed my B.E degree in the year 2007 and i cannot apply as a fresher they are hiring 2009 & 2010.
You said that "Fake documents are not an option -verification processes are strong now and if you are found out it will seriously impact your career."

Thanks & Regards

Now I am in a position where i cannot attn interview as a fresher and experience candidate. What can i do now please tell me.

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