SQL to Oracle migration

By KarthikAnbarasan KarthikAnbarasan Points: 54865 | Level: Silver | Status: [Member] [Moderator] [Microsoft_MVP] [MVP]
Posted on: 1/10/2011 1:26:44 PM | Views: 2280 | Points: 30

Im working on .net and sql projects for more than 5years... Now in my new project they are asking me to work in Oracle which im not familiar with. Is it good to migrate the technology from sql to oracle? or do in need to stick with my technology which i experienced for more than 5yrs.

Kapil's Advice on Tuesday, January 25, 2011 :
Yes, it is very good to learn multiple technologies. Oracle is supposed to be the best  database in the industry today. Most of the big companies would be using Oracle as their database. 
Go ahead and learn new technologies and products and get your fundamentals cleared in databases. Most of the fundamentals are quiet same for RDBMSs. Only syntax for DDL, DML may differ.  
For a .Net or Java programmers, databases drivers differ , syntax for SQL (ANSI SQL) will remain the same.   

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