What IT career suits me ?

By alaminfad alaminfad Points: 55 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 1/29/2011 3:59:24 AM | Views: 3720 | Points: 30
Hello Experts

Please be patient for I have 2 Inquiries.
I need your advice about which career path should i take given the following :

1- Bachelor in computer science
2- Strong Problem solving skills , designing algorithms (Ifs , Whiles , Repeats ,Threading..etc).
3- DO NOT have GUI skills Nor do i LIKE designing interfaces like Web Pages.
4- have intermediate knowledge of VS.net and S Q L Server 2005.
5- I want something that's enjoyable yet well-paying.


I am interested in this certification (MCTS S Q L Server 2008 Exam 70-432 )
Which Indian Training Institute that offers extensive real life training ? how much does it cost?
(Tuition fees , Renting a room , Transportation and Food)


Kapil's Advice on Tuesday, February 08, 2011 :

A career in Software industry grows in 2 main lines - Technical and Managerial line. You have to define your interest in these 2 lines and plan accordingly.

What you describe as your qualification is just basic skills required. 

If, Whiles, Repeat ... are just basics. They do not make up the entire Software Development skills.  You will have learn WCF, WF, ... to compete in .Net market.

Object Oriented Design, Classes Modeling, Design, Analysis, Architecture  is what you need to learn to grow in career.

If you want to chose Databases then again along with roles you need to learn data modeling, data nalaysis, ER and data architecture.



Alaminfad said on Thursday, February 10, 2011

appreciate it,
Thank you

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