Classic ASP with 10+ yrs experience

By thiru thiru Points: 8115 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 1/31/2011 9:27:57 AM | Views: 2940 | Points: 30
Hi, i have strong knowledge in Classic ASP and Vb6.0
currently developing website and web application projects.

Now willing to upgrade my profile and also looking for a nice job.

May i expect your valuable suggestion in this regard.

Expecting your valuable reply.

Kapil's Advice on Tuesday, February 08, 2011 :

Classic ASP and VB6.0 is now consider legacy environment. 

You need to upgrade to .Net.  Classic ASP do not have classes and OOPs concepts. That is first basic thing you need to learn. You have some fundamentals of web designing but ASP based web design lacks all good practices. It has mixture of presenation and logic.

You will have to start with learning .Net. Clear separation of presentation and business logic. 3-tier architecture with ASP.Net as front-end,   C#(or VB.Net) Business Objects, ADO.Net for databases.  This is the basic.

Then comes the advance concepts of WF, WCF, WPF, Silverlight ... for  further study.


Thiru said on Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Hi Kapil:
Thanks for your valuable advice.


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