In a dilemma - Pls help

By jmani jmani Points: 90 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 2/9/2011 7:33:18 PM | Views: 4810 | Points: 30
a little background:

Have 7+ yrs of IT experience with 2 yrs of dot net experience. Latest experience is in a data warehouse reporting tool (more product knowledge than dot net coding).

Have 2 offers from service based organizations:

1. Product specialist role - in a data warehouse product
2. Dot net tech lead - not sure of the exact project details.

I am confused right now as to which 1 to take up.


Kapil's Advice on Tuesday, March 01, 2011 :

I have always suggested people to grow in roles rather than to chose between X technology or Y technology.   

In Software Industry to grow you must grow in roles. Technologies keeps coming and going. People should grow in capabilities. So you must decide which offer is letting you grow in the role. That is taking your career growth from

Developer --> better module designer --> better system designer --> better product architect --> Enterprise Architect
Team member --> better supervisor --> better module lead --> better project leader --> project manager --> Account manager --> CEO

Mani the choice will have to be made by you based on your interest. 

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