By Akiii Akiii Points: 34150 | Level: Bronze | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 4/7/2011 11:44:41 PM | Views: 3576 | Points: 30
I want to learn reporting services. Which has better demand in industry CRYSTAL REPORT or SQL SERVER REPORTING SERVICES ?
Please provide me some light on this !

Thanks and Regards

Kapil's Advice on Sunday, April 10, 2011 :

I think question belongs to Dot netfunda technical forum. This needs some some sort of product comparison. And comparison needs to be done on several factors like cost, features, requirement mapping of the clients (DW of simple reporting) etc.

No product is better than other in any absolute terms without any context. As for learning reporting, it more of the reporting fundamentals transactional reporting, database reporting, Business Intelligence (BI) reporting that needs to be learnt.  

Akiii said on Sunday, April 10, 2011

Thank you sir for ur should i post this question in technical forum ??


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