career path

By daneshnobel daneshnobel Points: 40 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 5/12/2011 4:28:55 AM | Views: 3584 | Points: 30
greetings sir

i had got an opportunity to work in iktron technology

is it safe to have a career in that technology .

Kapil's Advice on Monday, May 16, 2011 :
Sorry Danesh,  
    I do not know iktron technology. I tried searching on web it also gave me no clue.

   But if it is misspelt and is  Ektron, then Ektron is .Net CMS (content management system) .  

Content Management System has a great future in software industry. Almost all companies are adopting one or another CMS for their Knowledge Management system. As it is  a great tool for building websites and greta tool for enterprise collaborations.
Microsoft's Sharepoint is also a very popular CMS and in great demand.

Learning products is very good step but product itself can never become a career. You must learn the fundamentals of the product space and become expert in that horizontal space, so that you can easily switch from one CMS to another CMS. Because product may come or go, but the CMS (content management system) as expertise area will continue to be in great demand.



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