Wants to shift my field to software testing

By pooja pooja Points: 0 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 10/23/2009 1:26:29 AM | Views: 7271
Hello sir,
I have done MCA and having 4 years of experience in .Net (Software development) but now i want to shift to software testing profile. I am really very confused and not able to take any decision.

I am having following doubtes:-
1) Is it ok if i will change my profile after 4 years exp. in development?
2) Does this change will treat me as freasher?
3) Does my past experience will get counted, if i change my profile?
4) What will be my future in professional life, if i shift to testing?

Thanks in adv.

sainath's Advice on Sunday, October 25, 2009 :
Hi Pooja,

Please weigh your options very carefullly. Why is it that you would like to change from development to testing after 4 years ? I hope you have worked out where you would like to see yourself in your career in 4-5 years time. Careers are built over time and abruptly shifting from one area of specialization to another means that you will have to rebuild your career again and lose time in the process.Having said that, sometimes it can happen that there is a mismatch between our abilities/interests and our job roles. In this case, a career switch is advisable.

To specifically answer your questions:

1) Is it ok if i will change my profile after 4 years exp. in development?

Ans: It is okay to change career direction, however, please ensure that you have atleast a 5 year time frame in mind. Ask yourself "What do I wish to be in 4-5 years from now?" and work backwards from that long-term goal.

2) Does this change will treat me as freasher?

Ans: Not exactly as a fresher, but your 4 years development experience will be considered separately. While applying for a job after 1 year you cannot be considered to be having 5 years testing experience since these are different skills and require specialized knowledge.

3) Does my past experience will get counted, if i change my profile?

Ans: It will get counted, but as mentioned above it will be clubbed separately.

4) What will be my future in professional life, if i shift to testing?

Ans: Both development and testing have strong career paths - however, more than what is on offer, it is important that you are clear where your skills and abilities lie and in which area you can excel. Once you decide firmly, strong and consistent follow-up action is also required to reach the end point.


Sainath Sherigar,


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