having good exposure in web technologies(ASP.NET/classic ASP) but need right direction to go aheadr the future

By mathews77 mathews77 Points: 50 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 9/24/2011 8:59:23 AM | Views: 3889 | Points: 30
Hi experts,

ME, a sw engineer with good experience (3 yrs) in web technologies like asp,Asp.net,javascript,css,ajax,jquery,Seo .
What are the short term achievement i need to set now which can be good for long time basis . I like to know wat are the possibilities existing to uplift my career like designation which i need to look to become in the coming 2 year and qualities/Skills which i need to persist for that designation ?

Thankyou .

Sainath's Advice on Saturday, September 24, 2011 :

As I always suggest on this forum, and I also whole-heartedly believe in the principle that once you become bigger on the inside, sooner or later your outside reality will reflect it. What I mean is that once you attain skills on the professional(technical, managerial) and personal level(leadership) etc, you are sure to attain the designation you seek. Never aim for a particular designation, rather, let it be a natural outcome of what you have become. I have seen many persons rise quickly without really deserving the position and then hanging on for dear life not knowing what to do. I would rather suggest that you grow naturally into a new role, one small step at a time and maintain consistent progress.

What do you need to do to achieve this - software is a craft, aim to  become an expert craftsman. I have mentioned in detail what needs to be done to achieve this in an earlier post. Please check the link below:


Sainath Sherigar,

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