out of practice from .net

By ahmed_raza ahmed_raza Points: 0 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 11/2/2009 3:06:19 PM | Views: 2395

I have 8 years of experience but from past 1 year i have been out of touch with coding on .net. and forget the things which one can immediatly tell who is working currently on any project.

i have develope projects on it. but now when i go for interview i find it difficult to talk in details about codding to interviewer.

please any suggestion,

Ahmed Zaidi

sainath's Advice on Monday, November 09, 2009 :
Dear Ahmed,

Firstly, I sense a little lack on confidence which I believe is not right. If you have already worked on projects you know what is what and do not need to feel threatened by the interview panel at all.

Unfortunately, if you are not careful, you can lose all your coding skills in just 3 months time. It is one of the things which comes with a "Use it or lose it" tag, like the muscles in the human body.

When answering any question in an interview, you may follow the below steps:

  • Give the conceptual answer in a clear manner. Back up the same with an example of how you used this concept in a practical scenario in one of your projects. This will help the interviewer get a good measure of your abilities. He will try and match the same to his requirements which will basically help him decide whether or not to recruit you for his projects. If you have not used the technology in a real project, please try the same in a practice project and gain a practical understanding of how it is implemented.
  • Good interviewers ask scenario based questions - to analyse how the candidate will approach a particular situation. You can answer them only if you have been in enough situations ( another way of describing quality experience)
  • Good interviewees answer using scenarios - of how they solved some problems in their current organization to which the interviewer can relate to.Which is why one needs to be proactive and solve as many problems in his / her current job - it's a great way to learn and grow.This is why it is also important that you do a deep analysis of the organization and project for which you are being interviewed if possible. Once you get good at it, you will be able to predict interview questions fairly accurately.
  • Learn from every failed interview - make sure you close the gap before going to the next interview. As painful as it can be, there really is no other way. If you keep improving after every failed interview you will gain momentum and finally hit the jackpot !
Sainath Sherigar,

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