looking for career change because of financial crises

By pachauriankur85 pachauriankur85 Points: 40 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 11/22/2011 4:47:34 AM | Views: 3902 | Points: 30
i am ankur pachauri having 1.10yrs of experience in s/w development.In this time period i am working on multiple technologies(formboss, j2me, .net, asp.net, sql server) And i am not so confident & proficient in any of them , also my company is not paying enough & i am not called by any other companies.
Due to which i am facing financial crises & i wish to change my job very soon.
please suggest me???????

Sainath's Advice on Thursday, November 24, 2011 :
Well, you will need to work your way through the problem. If you dabble with too many technologies, you will end up in a position wherein potential employers will simply not be able to figure out where to place you. Moreover, in IT you need to gain both deep knowledge in certain areas and broad knowledge across the board. And this has to be ongoing, only then will the market reward you financially for your expertise.

Sainath S,

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