Break In my Career

By Arpita Arpita Points: 0 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 6/3/2009 1:56:18 PM | Views: 7292
Hi ,
I have taken a break for around 2 years for my child .In the meantime i had never stopped studying.

I am completely in touch with new technologies and mastering over it.
But my problem is iam not getting a call for interview or job .
Iam totally depressed, dont know what to do.
I want to restart my career with full blow as soon as possible.

kapil's Advice on Thursday, June 04, 2009 :


     Do not lose heart !!! This is natural to happen especially in days when companies have gone for freezing their recruitment. The companies are reducing their bench strength and are recruiting only for specialized jobs. My advice to you is to keep faith, master new technologies, keep applying for jobs. Be informed about how the things have changed since your break; what new tools have comeup, new patterns ... . As soon as market improves there will again be heavy recruitment on. 

Your break can be a small problem. Usually, companies HR may give preferences to others over you just because of your break in case there is an option.  For that you may have to start with a smaller company which will bring you to mainstream job market. 

shivprasad's Advice on Thursday, June 04, 2009 :


Its really good to see  that with your kid you have also not stopped studying. That means you are already doing your ground work.

Try from a smaller organization , i know this sounds absurd but still worth exploring. If possible look at options of Non-IT companies. Scale down your salary , going back should not matter but coming up with force does matter. Market will improve surely and the good days will start.

Upgrade yourself to .NEt 3.5 and new technologies. Look what people are asking in the market and position yourself. Have a close look at your CV and see if you can update it as per market. If possible apply one job a day.

I think you should not be depressed at all. You have taken a good decision for your 2 year kid , i am sure whatever time you spent with him/her is worth than whatever position you would have had. Family comes first...



sainath's Advice on Thursday, June 06, 2009 :

Hi Arpita,


Not getting a job during this time has more to do with the recessionary trends the world over. The 2 year break adds to the problem.


It is good to know that you have kept in touch with the latest technologies. However, I would suggest that you prioritize and aim to complete some relevant certifications based on the current / expected industry demand and your current skill set. Reason is simple ? sometimes we can do a lot of hard work and generate very less tangible output which eventually leads to poor results in the market place. Certification will give you a lot of confidence and help you in interviews. Also the discipline required to upgrade will keep you busy and not allow you to get depressed.


The next quarter is going to show some improvement and by the year end more opportunities should be available. My only advice would be ? prepare, prepare and prepare. Take massive action and be ready when opportunity finally knocks which is bound to happen eventually. One more point, this recession is not as bad as the earlier dotcom bust in 2000 ? people who proactively raised their skills during the dotcom bust made it big once the market began to look up. Once the economy starts turning around you will not have the time nor the chance to upgrade.

Also, I totally agree with Shiv and Kapil that working in a small company is a good idea. Typically you need to do all the ground work, maybe even extra work beyond your official JD in small companies which actually goes a long way in giving you all round skills. Sometimes working in unstructured environments can actually teach you very good survival skills. Make sure the law of averages is in your favour and apply for enough no. of jobs. Do not take job rejections personally, true success will demand going through a lot of rejections without getting dejected. It is the same for everyone including myself. A lot of people fear job rejections, get dejected and stop trying altogether or end up getting depressed which hurts them badly in the long run. So keep trying.

All the best!

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