css doubt

By saisindura saisindura Points: 1205 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 2/23/2012 12:28:36 AM | Views: 2268 | Points: 30
hello sir
iam dot net developer in small company.
i don't know css,because of in my company designers is there.
i have doubt is it necessary to learn css,or in all companies designers will give css.
currently i know only Ajax.
what concepts i need learn for feature purpose.
please tell me.
Thanks &Regards

Sainath's Advice on Saturday, February 25, 2012 :

Is is essential that you understand CSS though it may not be mandatory to be an expert in it. Atleast should understand what the .css file does and how it impacts the software in general. More often than not, this part will be handled by the designer.

Rajesh has already answered the last question, please check the below link.


You can also check the courses available on ITfunda, you will find plenty of value in there as well.


Sainath S,

Note for Saisindura : You can respond to this advice by logging into the website.

Comments or Responses

Posted by: Mani5155 on: 4/10/2012 | Level:Starter | Status: [Member] | Points: 25
i know one person who having 4.5 yr exp in .net recently switch over from one Level 5 company to leading MVC after joining they told you want to work in HTML/CSS for one month there after you will switch over to .net so try to learn your work related all thing CSS,HTML,javascript,etc.,

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