Want to learn ASP.NET

By ashish_ias ashish_ias Points: 60 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 5/22/2012 2:53:44 PM | Views: 4572 | Points: 30
Dear Sir,
I have passed S.Y. B.Sc. (IT), could not passed out 3rd year Exam due to my ignorance about IT field. Today my friend working in good company. I feel very shame on me if i realized the value of IT then Today i have good job in IT sector. I would like to develop website/software so that I come into my profession (i.e. IT ) for which i have studied . What should I do from here........Looking for your guide. Please Help!


Rajesh's Advice on Tuesday, June 05, 2012 :

Did you completed your graduation?  If not, please finish it along with your work.  Completing your graduation is very important.

Take some free courses on web development here at http://www.udacity.com/

This will drastically improve your development and testing knowledge.  Though the programming language used here is
python, but that really doesn't matter, as what matter is the skills your are learning.

The head on on to http://nettuts.com for web related courses and articles.  They are one of the best in that.

Have patience and you will be on your way to become  a better website developer.

All the very best.
Best Regards,
Rajesh Pillai

Note for Ashish_Ias : You can respond to this advice by logging into the website.

Comments or Responses

Posted by: Dkummar on: 6/22/2012 | Level:Starter | Status: [Member] | Points: 25
ya.. complete your degree along with your job...

Use this link to learn asp.net basics....

Posted by: Bhupentiwari on: 6/26/2012 | Level:Starter | Status: [Member] | Points: 25
refer the below website


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