Role + Salary for Dotnet 7 years experience

By bujji bujji Points: 60 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 6/26/2012 1:05:59 AM | Views: 3326 | Points: 30
Hi Team,

I have 7 years experience. I would like to know what is the market standard salary.

Please give an example if I place in Bank of America how much salary I should get and role I can expect?

Thanks in advance

Rajesh's Advice on Thursday, June 28, 2012 :

It just depends and this is not a suitable question for this forum as we cannot specifically say details about a particular company and these things always changes.

The factor is how good you are, your technical and communication skills, your domain knowledge, your attitude during the interview process etc.

Best of luck~!

Rajesh Pillai

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