Management related prospects in IT..Please advice

By Anonymus Anonymus Points: 375 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 7/12/2012 12:36:47 AM | Views: 2492 | Points: 30

I have done Masters in Computer Application (MCA). I have 3 years of experience of software development and I currently I am working as a software engineer in a reputed IT company in Mumbai.

However, my concern is that I do not want to be into completly technical side as such I am not interested much into that.

Could you please advice me if there is any other option in IT itself which does not focus much into technical but more into management related activities? Any certifications/ courses which will help me to achieve at my goal?

I do not want to play with my career and suffer as this question is bothering me often.

Please advice, awating your favourable and kindest reply.

Thank You.

Sainath's Advice on Sunday, July 22, 2012 :

If you are interested in progressing on the management track in IT, you should aspire to complete PMP(Project Management Professional). PMI(Project Management Institute,USA) is the governing body for this examination.
Below are some general thoughts to consider before you embark on this track:

  1. Before entering into any management role you should have spent enough time gaining experience in every area of software development and delivery - requirement analysis, architecture, design, coding,testing, release management,maintenance, etc. Many persons seem to think that management is all about giving directions and expecting others to do the work - this is totally wrong. In fact, this is a sure recipe for failure. Management is all about solving tricky problems - and you should be aware of the solutions / have the ability to figure out solutions on your own and implement the same. So please ensure that you have spent enough time learning the craft before aspiring for a managerial role.
Please check out the below 2 links for further information which will be of use to you.

Sainath S,

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