Looking for Onsite Opportunities..

By kanje_ravi kanje_ravi Points: 555 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 10/9/2012 4:12:50 PM | Views: 6833 | Points: 30
Hi All,

I am ravindra working in .Net from 3.3 years with having windows and web applications development experiencing.
I worked in two companies in my total experiencing.Currently i am working in an MNC company with getting all the exposure of work.Now my query is like others i am also interested to grab onsite opportunities but my current company don't have such facilities or i can say don't have such requirement.I am looking for a job change now please suggest me in which company i can try so that i can get an onsite opportunity.I don't have any issue in my current company but only thing is i am looking for onsite opportunities.

Please suggest me in this regard on how can i prepare for it.

Sainath's Advice on Sunday, October 14, 2012 :

You are right in saying that for anything in life you need to prepare. That is indeed the correct approach. For onsite opportunities, you need to possess below skills :

1. Excellent communication skills - verbal and written
There is a very high chance that you will get directly exposed to the client at onsite, so you have to possess good communication skills else you will not be considered for onsite opportunities. Please work on this area.

2. Good technical knowledge
This goes without saying - you will need to be fairly independent and strong in this area - only then you will be able to handle the onsite work

3. Actual account situation
Some factors are outside your control - for example, onsite opportunities will be available only if the client intends to create sufficient number of onsite billable positions.

4. Some degree of domain knowledge
This will ensure that you are able to interact with the end users (business users) in their language  and have a firm grip on project requirements.

Sainath Sherigar

Kanje_Ravi said on Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Hi Sainath ,

i will work on your valuable points ..Thanks for your response.

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