My intro : I have almost 5.6 yrs( in web app using asp.net with c#) of exp in software development. And during this time period in my carrier i am able to prove myself with new challenges in my day to day job and i am able to do more than expectation of my boss.
Anyway Come to the point I am very much interested in Architecture and Designing(.net Framework) of softwares, but unfortunately i did find any inst. or person that can help me for this track. Can you please suggest me how i should start about Architecture and Designing. And can you please suggest is it possible to become Architecture and Designer or i should go for 1 either Architecture or Designing.
And how i should start.
kapil's Advice on Monday, December 14, 2009 :
Software Development Lifec Cycle (SDLC) : Architecture-> High Level Design -> Low Level Design-> Development -> Testing
And people as they get mature move from right to left in their career i.e starting with devleopment, designer and then architect. Abstraction i.e working on higher problem also increases. (Developer may deal with a program) , Desinger may deal with module/application desing and Architect deals with entire application and its interfacing environment.
Designing is first step toward becoming Architect. As you know as per SDLC , designing preceeds development. You need to look into applications requirments and then come up with design. You need to design and solve the problems before start of the development.
The design helps you come up with all possible risks possible so as to avoid the problems during development. Problems in developments can lead to lot wastage of efforts, bugs and patches which makes the application briitle and problematic.
Hence, a designer needs to be a experiences programmer/developer who predicts problematic issues and provide solutions for that. He also uses the industry provided design patterns and solutions an apply them to his application for best possible solutions. Designer also needs to design for performance, security and other cross-cutting concerns.
After Desinger come Architect,
Software Architect has been further classfied...
Technical Arhcitect - Solution is available and architect has to define a techincal implemetation to it.
Solution Architect - Soltuon architect gives a solution and defines architecture for it.
Infra Architect - Infra architect is more at deployment and administration side of it. Capacity , Sizing are his jobs.
Data Architect - Database modeling , information architecture his jobs
Enterprise Architect. - Over enterprise wide architecture.
Follow architecture sites like http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/architecture/cc511514.aspx to see hapeenings in architeture.
Lean new patterns SOA etc. to give your client new architecture styles.
Be more aware so as to be able to give evaluate all possibilities and then provide architecture.
Technology is changing so fast that it is getting obselete very fast. So keep pace with technology and provide your client with all new and possible evaluation.