hello all...
i am anish khan...BE CSE 2011....VTU karnataka...din get any campus interview...i was selected for IBM tech support bt had the urge to go for development so din join...joined a startup firm in jharkhand widout salary for 4 months...they told they will start the salary after 6 months of joining(dat too was not sure)...they were into web development using asp.net ...learned many things...company was asking to continue bt nothing more was there to learn n also several charges of not paying salaries were there against them...so left the company on june 2012....came back to bangalore on sep 2012..got a company here..they are offering 4k/mon...i hav done 3 projects alone...one is online..."jobbersclub.com"...hav good knowledge of c#,asp.net,ajax,javascript,html,css,sql server....bt now m finding it difficult to continue because do hav a lot of responsibilities towards family....and unable to find any opening...hav options for tech supports...m good at programming n hav a very decent communication skills...now it has become difficult to survive even....
kindly advice gentlemen ....
Sainath's Advice on Sunday, February 03, 2013 :
If indeed you are truly interested in development and have the aptitude for the same, my advice to you would be to hang in there and continue raising your development skills. First and foremost, it is indeed brave of you to shun the technical support jobs (nothing wrong in these jobs) and take up a development career despite family responsibilities and peer pressure. The logic is simple - in the long run, the economy is only going to reward people who possess skills which are difficult to find. There are many programmers who claim to know programming but experienced persons in the industry know that only a handful programmers exist who literally carry the project on their shoulders. If indeed, you wish to be one of them please continue on this path, difficult though it may be in the initial phase. If you manage to stay in the race for 2-3 years definitely your job prospects will keep improving with time. Alternatively if you choose a lesser fulfilling career like tech support, you will not experience job satisfaction and will commence going down a negative path which will kill your energy and enthusiasm. Please do not misinterpret my words, tech support in itself is not bad, however, we are all wired differently and our individual personalities determine that we will excel in certain areas and do an average job in others. Development seems to be your area of choice, go for it. In 3 years time, you will not regret your decision.Believe in yourself, believe in your abilities and keep pushing ahead, I am fairly certain that you will eventually succeed.
By the way, I have not come across any real successful person who became successful first and then paid the price of success. In my opinion, to succeed in anything, every one of us has to pay the price in full and unconditionally, with no formal guarantees of success. Life has a tendency of testing your true worth before finally rewarding you for your efforts. And no one is an exception to this.
"You will become as small as your controlling desire, as great as your dominant aspiration."
- James Allen
Please check the link below, a similar question was asked some months back, it should give you some value.
Sainath S