Confused after 14 years of experience

By santoshkulkarni74-20564 santoshkulkarni74-20564 Points: 60 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 1/31/2013 11:43:25 PM | Views: 4195 | Points: 30
I have around 14 years of experience in IT. I worked around 5 years .Net technology but looking to my overall experience there are much expections like ready to relocate onsite-offshore (Sometime I fill to adapt onsite option, but I scared due family concerns) ready to work on any other technology like oracel,D2K or functional group, ready work in team of freshers. Though I have experience but I have been seen as less compititive compared to others as I am always protective. Growth is also currently stopped, So I am not enjoying my personal life. Is there any ways, I can come out from these & see for some good picture.

Sainath's Advice on Sunday, February 03, 2013 :

First and foremost, you need to realize that there can be no growth without risk. Risk is the most natural thing for every human being since childhood, yet, somehow as we grow up we forget the lessons we learnt as toddlers. The child who has learnt to crawl takes up the risk of falling and getting hurt when it tries to stand up and walk. Imagine what would happen if the child refuses to stand up after it's 1st fall.

The paradox of life is, the more you seek security, the less you will have of it. Never get into a comfort zone where you feel protected. Rather, do the opposite, stretch beyond your known boundaries all the time. The more you do, the better  prepared you will be to face life and it's consequences. If you keep seeking to continue doing only what's comfortable and known, you may get into trouble at some point in time. We keep hearing of layoffs all the time, yet, somehow we think that we will be luckier and something of the sort will never happen to us. This is a terribly wrong approach to life, one that hinders growth and actually puts us at risk.

Start taking action, challenge your fears little by little and start moving out of your comfort zone. Staying in the comfort zone will continue pushing you into a negative spiral and only you can decide to come out of it. The only thing is, your self-confidence will only go down with time if you do not act. All the expectations you have stated in your query are legitimate expectations from an employer from a person with 14 years of experience. As I always say on this forum, more than number of years of experience, it is the quality of experience, the volume of new things learnt and the level to which the person has grown which matters eventually.

"A ship in harbor is safe, but that's not what ships are built for."

Not taking action will guarantee problems in future . A similar query was posted some months back and below is the link:

Sainath S

Note for santoshkulkarni74-20564 : You can respond to this advice by logging into the website.

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