Want to know other possible career options for .NET Windows application developers

By muralipv83 muralipv83 Points: 50 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 4/22/2013 7:03:23 AM | Views: 3797 | Points: 30
sir, i am having 2.6 years of experience in .NET Windows Forms. my question is whether is there any future for .NET Windows Forms,if not what are other available options for me and also job prospects for windows application developers?. And i am not interested in web application developement. So please suggest me how to go ahead.

Sheo's Advice on Tuesday, April 30, 2013 :
Dear Murali,

As per my knowledge and experience goes, there is going to be lesser scope in .NET Windows Forms development in coming days. Web is going to rule either on desktop/laptop/mobile/tablet or any other device. We would suggest you to go for web development but as you mentioned that you are not interested in Web development so couple of things are left and they are
  1. Database development or administration - learn database skills like SQL Server database development, maintenance or administration. It is also a very broad area and can give you a very good career option however in comparison with Web development there are less openings and opportunity.

  2. Data warehousing - another good career option, see more about it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_warehouse

  3. Business Intelligence - this is another area you can go with. It is also related with database or the data and it has also a good scope.

  4. Testing - testing might be the last option for you however it is not suggested as you already have development experience and you might feel this little boring. Automated testing is something that is popping up and that needs little development experience too so you may try this one if you love coding and want to be in testing.
There might be other options as well like Server Administrator, HR etc. but as you are from development background so these options are not suggested.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.

Note for Muralipv83 : You can respond to this advice by logging into the website.

Comments or Responses

Posted by: Ermahesh2009 on: 6/3/2013 | Level:Starter | Status: [Member] | Points: 25
Dear Sir

I have around 4 years experience in windows based application (client server architecture) . but i am interested in web development please
guide me .
Posted by: Sheonarayan on: 6/3/2013 | Level:HonoraryPlatinum | Status: [Administrator] | Points: 25
Dear Ermahesh2009,

I would highly recommend start learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript (http://www.fundoovideo.com/albums/css-video-tutorials ) and then ASP.NET http://www.dotnetfunda.com/tutorials/.

I personally feel practice is more important than just reading about the topic so whatever you are reading, practice them. It will help you to learn easily.


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