I am working in MNC for past 1.5 years and working on VB.NET 1.1. I have knowledge of C# but I havent worked on it and hence I feel less confidence that I will be able to handle questions on C# and same is the case with VB bcoz I have copy pasted majority of VB code in my project as guided by seniors. Currently I am preparing for MCTS 70-536 certi which is related to .net 2.0. I feel comfortable with SQL part and have basic knowledge in reporting and analytical services. Please tell me whether I shud take jump now or after clearing the certification? And what will be the expectation of the interviewer while recruiting .net guy having 1.5 - 2 years workex? If I tell the interviewer that I worked on vb.net 1.1 for last 1 year then he will surely shoot questions related to it and I wont feel comfortable with it.. What should I do in this case? With the basic knowledge of reporting and analytical services shud I highlight it in interview??
sainath's Advice on Sunday, January 17, 2010 :
Firstly, if you keep focussing on what might go wrong in the interview, you will create a lot of self-doubt and end up creating that which you fear the most. Experienced interviewers sense these vibes very quickly. One secret to share - in any interview we judge the candidate in the first 2 minutes, the questions asked after this are only to cross-check and confirm if our judgement is correct. So it is extremely important to go with the right frame of mind.
Clearing any certification will give you self-confidence and build your self-esteem which will definitely help you to approach the interview in a better frame of mind.
You yourself know where you stand with respect to skills - at 1.5 years of experience you have worked on development projects (copy-paste is a reality no one can escape) and know something. Feel good about the same and proceed to the interview knowing fully well that you will be able to handle an assignment if it's given to you. What's the worst possible thing that can happen - you may get rejected. Just make up your mind that should this happen you will just brush it off and move on to the next interview.Remember, the interviewer already has the picture of what kind of candidate he needs - if you do not fit this requirement you will get rejected, else you will get selected. At the same time, any experience - good or bad provides valuable feedback. It will give you clues on where things went wrong and what gaps you need to fill before going to the next interview.
Knowledge of reporting services can be highlighted and may help if the project requires the same. Also, make sure you go through some mock interviews with the help of friends or other senior people who are willing to help. Try to anticipate each and every question that can be asked - while this activity requires self-discipline and hard work, it will boost your confidence by a huge margin, also it will bring certain degree of predictability and make you comfortable.
Action cures fear - so take enough action. Inaction will only help in blowing the fear out of proportion. I know of no one who is not afraid of going to interviews, with experience we all have learnt to manage the same, that's all.
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."
- Franklin Roosevelt
Sainath Sherigar,