Carrer in salesforce

By sheetalsharma sheetalsharma Points: 125 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 8/1/2013 11:59:04 AM | Views: 3510 | Points: 1
I am a python developer with 1.3 years experience. I can't say i am very good at programming but i do it with lot of struggle(as i have done engineering from electronics). So i want to shift from development to a profile in IT which requires very less of coding.
I actually don't know about what other options are in IT which i can take. I have heard from one of my friend that sale

Vishwas's Advice on Monday, August 05, 2013 :
First thing first- do you like what you are doing? If one likes what he would be doing then generally the results are better. Also you have mentioned that being accomplished from different engineering stream might be reason for struggling. This may not be the fact as this IT industry have many many good programmers belonging to different stream other than computers or IT rather this is the only industry which has accommodated so many programmer from different background.

So assess following
1. Do you like programming?
2. Are some suppositions (like above) acting as hindrance?
3. Do you have passion for programming and strive for excellence?

So it may be prudent to get answers for above questions and also spend some more time in programming to be really be able to conclude that one is not good at it.

Yes, there are some areas where not much programming is required. and they are generally the customizations or using some softwares or non-programming
1. Testing
2. Customization -SAP, Salesforce (this might need substantial programming depending upon the situation) etc
3. Technical support, Software configuration and management
4. Administration: System/Network/ database administartion 
5. Training
6. Business analysis
7. Project Managament
8. Process consultant
9. Technical writing

Hope this helps.

Sheetalsharma said on Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Thanks for replying to my question. i would like to answer questions you told to assess:
1. I don't like much of programming.
2. I feel i get more tensed and can't stop thinking about the problem(programming) ,if a problem doesn't get solved.
3. I would like to pursue programming if is not like in languages where each and every line has to be written to create a software.
Also i have heard from my friend that salesforce does not involve much of programming like in c,c++,java. Can u tell me how can i approach salesforce developer jobs as a fresher? Also will my experience in python will help me to get salesforce developer jobs? Do i need to do a course in salesforce development?

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Comments or Responses

Posted by: Sheetalsharma on: 8/15/2014 | Level:Starter | Status: [Member] | Points: 25
Thanks for replying to my question. i would like to answer questions you told to assess:
1. I don't like much of programming.
2. I feel i get more tensed and can't stop thinking about the problem(programming) ,if a problem doesn't get solved.
3. I would like to pursue programming if is not like in languages where each and every line has to be written to create a software.
Also i have heard from my friend that salesforce does not involve much of programming like in c,c++,java. Can u tell me how can i approach salesforce developer jobs as a fresher? Also will my experience in python will help me to get salesforce developer jobs? Do i need to do a course in salesforce development? and also can i consider sap course?
Posted by: Mathumitha250 on: 3/16/2017 | Level:Starter | Status: [Member] | Points: 25
you can choose hadoop programming for your career. Nowadays, all top companies requiring hadoop developer and also pay good salary. You can complete this course from After that, you can get appointment from best company.

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