Jobs in MSBI Development

By arul44ece arul44ece Points: 2860 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 9/3/2013 2:55:48 AM | Views: 5873 | Points: 1
Dear Sir,

I have 3 years experience in SQL,SSRS,SSIS and .NET.

I am interested in MSBI development and want to know about the future and scope of the MSBI.

Sainath's Advice on Tuesday, October 15, 2013 :

The thought is good, but please do not look only at MSBI in isolation. What you should ideally do is to look at data warehousing, data architecture and Big data as a potential career option with MSBI as one of the enabling technologies. In this way, you do not limit yourself in the small world of software solutions offered by only 1 vendor. Long term career growth and success requires this.
Please check out the career options, level of interest based upon the suggestions provided and chart out a career path for yourself.

Sainath S,

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