Suggestion Needs about my Career Path

By ssramvinay ssramvinay Points: 45 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 2/2/2010 2:24:16 AM | Views: 2226

This is Ram from chennai and working as a Software Engineer for the past 1 yr and now i am in dilemma about my career path.My College core side is EEE.But my desire is to work on .net in development side not in back end.In the massive year 2004,i was started my career on 2006 as a Developer and had worked in ASP and not in .net.I had spent 1 yr in ASP and gathered ASP snippets.Next i was relinquished there and joined in other concern on 2007 as a .net junior programmer.

Unfortunately,i was assigned in to the job to support in house customers.So,Most of my jobs rolls in sql server and sql jobs.Due to personal problem i cant quit here.Days moves on up to 1.5 yrs there and got a deal with other gaint MNC as a Software Eng and given promise to work in .net.So,i quit here and joined the MNC.But they failed the promise and given job once again in support(Data migration,sql).So,i fought there in the 2nd day itself .They replied me after one year i can move to other team.This is first company that gave me double digit salary.So,it helped me a lot to my family.Now crisis came in my company and no appriasal till 2013.So,now i plan to quit my job once i received the offer from other concern.But my lovely desire is to get job ONLY in .net dev side not in back end.So,frankly say that i don have any real time exp in .net

But i have good theoritical knowledge in .net.Don hv PC in my room to guide me in .net.So,i got dilemma and set a new goal for my career as indicated below.Please let me know if my career path is correct or not.Also guide me if my path is wrong,Navigate me.

* I plan to avail leave for 10 days and gather practical exp in the below areas since my friend has PC with me.He promised me to give his PC.

* ASP.NET(Basics,web service)
*C#(oops concept)

Now i have 3+Yrs of Exp.Is the above areas
is enought to get job?Please let me know

i have read all the practical code snippets
from really amazing gave me full of confidence that i can become a good programmer in a few weeks.So,please navigate me.


To be given.

Kapil's Advice on Saturday, March 27, 2010 :

Ram, You uploaded resume is being screened along with lakhs of other people who are competing for .Net and C#.. The screeing process is very mechanical. They look for keywords like .NEt, C#. Does your resume have this and can show your knowldge for this field. So your resume need to have something extra then other lakhs of resume.

Problem is that you CV looks more suitable for SQL Server  and other SQL jobs. Hence, you areas shortlisted only for it. Look from the angle of recruiter , they think you can valueadd for SQL server and related job becuase of your past expereicne and hence the result.

You have to show your passion for .Net and that should also reflect in resume. You also need to do extra bit , and show miore knowldge  .Net technologies like knowledge of patterns,  Microsoft blogs, frameworks like nunit. Learn more about ADO.Net, ORM and get in new trends. 

Talk upfront with recruiters that you have lot of experience of Sql Server and have excellent knowledge of .Net ADO.Net , queries and related stuff. And you will only work in it. If you can show that you will be able to contribute lot to .Net and extra bit because of your knoweldge of databse, companies will take you in.

Next, be prepared becuase not many chances will be there hence try to prepare before going for interview....

Best of Luck!!!

Note for Ssramvinay : You can respond to this advice by logging into the website.

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