Am working as a DOTNET Developer, but now am as free pool. but so far i worked in one project,and product. i can rate myself in DEVELOPING side is 5 out of 10. but i have interested in HTML5,css3.. so my question is
> can i jump to front end designer that means UI and UX Designer?
> what are the ui and ux designer scopes in future?
>is i need to go ui and ux course ?
>is this correct decision in my career?
Deeraj's Advice on Saturday, March 29, 2014 :
Hi Sangeetha Mani,
There is nothing wrong in changing the course of your career. Since you are in pool right now, Bring this up with your HR Manager in your current organization. See if they have any opportunities on training you as a UI/UX designer and assign you to project(s) that need UI/UX engineers. In my experience, I have seen a lot of demand for UI Engineers and hence, I feel you are going to be one of the few available engineers on UI/UX front.
Whether or not this a correct decision depends on your passion towards the carried field of your choice.
Good Luck!
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